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17 Nov 2011 It is characterized by its vibrant colors ranging from velvet black to metallic gold. The color of the goldfish changes over time depending on its environment. The Black Moor goldfish can live up to 25 years with a length of as much as 10 inches. What to Feed This Type of Fish? Black Moor goldfish, like any
An extensive FAQ, and buying guide, on Black Moor Goldfish addressing the proper way to care for a Black Moor Goldfish (generally applies to all fancy goldfish), including information on adequate tank size, feeding, acceptable water temperatures, pH levels, best and appropriate tankmates, signs and symptoms of illness,
3 Aug 2014 Looking to buy a Black Moor Goldfish? Get a complete care guide that covers everything from feeding, diet, tank size, cleaning, filtration, heating, and more.
When looking at black moor goldfish tank size you should take some things into consideration. Make sure that you keep black moor goldfish temperature around sixty to seventy degrees. Also, try to remember when feeding black moors try not to overfeed them because this also causes your water quality to degrade.
A 1.5-2 inch Black Moor, but I haven't had a goldfish since I was a child. Just wondering how many pellets to feed a young fish? I purchased some 2mm North Fin slow sinking pellets because my other fish loved them. No fillers, good ingredients and the company is local. And should I feed once a day or more than once?
22 Aug 2017 Despite having much larger eyes than normal, black moors actually don't have very good eyesight. This can lead to them having a harder time finding food and competing with goldies who have better vision. In fact: Their poor eyesight is what causes a lot of people to think their black moor is actually quite

The BlackMoor is a species of goldfish, but unlike the typical golden variety, it is black with a bronze hue. This gives a velvety appearance. With telescoping (bulging) eyes when adult, and a veiled tail, the Black Moor is a distinctive and attractive goldfish, of the 'fancy' variety, and loved for its friendly nature. Easy to look after
If you have other goldfish in the same tank as this slower swimmer, the fast swimmers will eat most of the food. This is why tank mates for this goldfish should in fact be within the same swimming speed range as the Black Moor. The best tank mates for the blackmoor are other slow swimming goldfish like the Ryukin and
Since they are omnivorous, the Black Moor Goldfish will generally eat all kinds of fresh, frozen, and flake foods. To keep a good balance, give them a high quality flake food every day. Feed brine shrimp (either live or frozen), blood worms, Daphnia, or tubifex worms as a treat.
