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Jan 7, 2017 If you have made the correct dialogue choices, Kaidan will bring up a relationship, or Shepard can push for it. It is possible for FemShep to romance Kaidan if you did not romance him in Mass Effect 1. (note) Kaidan DOES make a pass at Male Shepard in the Presidium Commons after Priority: Citadel 1, with
So I have an imported renegade female Shepard, who romanced Kaidan in ME1 and Garrus and ME2. Let me explain' option on the conversation wheel when he asks about Garrus. He'll take the apology If that doesn't work you have a long backtrack to the hospital, unless you can mod his love for you.
Jan 11, 2011 Here are the major dialogue trees for the Kaidan romance from the first game. There are still a Kaidan: It's my fault. I must have triggered some kind of security field when I approached it. You had to push me out of the way. • Paragon – Don't blame yourself: You had no way to know what would happen.
Completed all the UNC explore, mining, gather quests. Completed all side-missions except 1 renegade quest you can only get with 50% renegade status. 100% Paragon, all options thru my game were Paragon chosen. Completed Bring Down the Sky, let the terrorist go and free'd the hostages. Saved Ashley, Kaiden died.
Apr 6, 2013
Hate to break it to you, but Ashley has been dead since Mass Effect 1. You cant romance a corpse. Well, you shouldn't romance a corpse. OT: Probably because FemShep has always been able to be a lesbian, so they were just creating options for ManShep. (And yes, I know Liara, with her woman's voice
Jan 7, 2011 Otherwise, here are the (almost) complete possible dialogue branches for the Night Before Ilos scene. For reference. And squeeing. In addition, Kaidan's complete dialogue can be found here: Kaidan: Commander? • Paragon - Not sure I deserve the rank: You probably shouldn't call me that. I probably
However, owing to the Ally Achievements being obtained based on the number of completed missions/assignments, and the fact that you do not need to complete 100% of missions/assignments to obtain the Ally Achievements, you do have leeway to bring characters along for their personal quest. For example, you can
Mar 9, 2012 Kaidan Alenko. Race: Human. Role: Major. Preference: Females, but makes an exception for male Shepard in ME3. Personality: Stoic, thoughtful, vanilla. The human biotic with a dark past is back in Mass Effect 3, assuming you chose to keep him alive during the events of Mass Effect 1. In Mass Effect 3,
Feb 14, 2015 He's a bit of a clinger, too; you can be romancing someone else and he'll still try and win you over, which is admirable in some ways but it does sort of remind me of the guy you've said no to but just won't let you off. He's 100 percent friendzone guy. I'm sorry, Kaidan. I know you're the favourite of many
